Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Hujung tahun, tercapaikah azam tahun ini?

Asal awal tahun saja,kita akan buat azam tahun baru. Azam yang disambung dari tahun tahun sebelumnya atau benar benar azam baru.Tapi, bila hujung tahun, berapa ramai antara kita yang menganalisa azam yang kita buat pada awal tahun?

 Ramai orang termasuk saya, kadangkala, cuma memberi jawapan ringkas; Berjaya atau terkandas. Boleh sambung saja tahun hadapan atau tutup saja tahun ini. Tapi, ada lagi yang ramai mungkin lupa untuk analisa kembali azam yang pernah dibuat untuk tahun ini. Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi, benar benar tercapai atau benar benar terkandas? Kenapa begitu? Dan, apa yang sebenarnya telah kita buat dengan azam yang kita pasang, dua belas bulan lepas?

Azam, semua orang milikinya. Tetapi,perancangan untuk mencapai azam, tidak semua orang miliki. Sasaran juga kadangkala kita terlupa letak, bagai menembak tanpa sasaran.

Azam dan impian, perlu bersama dengan perancangan dan pelaksanaan. Betul, ada antara kita sudah rancang dan laksana tetapi masih gagal. Lihat perspektif yang berbeza; sasaran terlalu tinggi, tempat tidak sesuai, masa yang salah, atau memang sudah bukan rezeki kita. Sekurang kurangnya, kita sudah usahakan sesuatu.

Sempena melangkah ke tahun baru tidak lama lagi, bagi yang punya impian, saya kira sudah mula boleh merencana sekurang kurangnya sasaran yang ingin dicapai. Bagi teman teman yang mungkin mengikut arus sahaja, jangan cuma melihat. Jika ada peluang yang baik, rebutlah. Biar kita ada sesuatu yang berfaedah dan berguna untuk dicapai.

End of the year, did we achieve our dream?

Every early of the year, most of us have something to achieve. A wish that is repeated from the previous years or a really new goal to have. But, at the end of the year, how many of us analyze our wish for the last twelve months?

Most of us, (included me, actually) just give a simple answer; success or failed. It can be continue to next year or just stop it here. The analyze is not just success or failed but, what actually we did with this one year time? Is it really we aim the goal, or it just a wish? And why?

The dream and wish, I guess everybody have it. The different is the force and planning to get it. The exact goal, sometimes we forget to aim, like to shoot without target.

Dream, wish and aim, we need to include the planning and do the plan with it. Yes, some of us already do the plan and run the plan but still not really success. Look at the different angle; perhaps our aim is too high for us or the time is not suitable or the wrong place we went to. At least, we try everything that we can.
With this coming new year, for those who have dream to achieve, I feel that all of you may start plan the best to be aimed. For friends that never have dream yet, don’t just look and see, but grap whatever the good thing comes into your life and I wish all of you best of luck.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Satu peribahasa Melayu yang menggambarkan pengembara yang melalui banyak tempat mengumpul banyak ilmu.

Dari satu segi, mungkin bukan budaya Melayu untuk mengembara. Cuma sekarang, kita kebanyakan merantau lebih kepada mencari rezeki dan ilmu. Tetapi,kata kata ini, terbukti benar. Bagi seorang pengembara, setiap tempat  yang dilalui akan member ilmu yang berbeza. Satu hal yang jelas, tiap tiap tempat menaarkan budaya dan bahasa yang berbeza untuk dipelajari.Dalam satu satu perjalanan jauh juga, membuka peluang untuk kita mengenali lebih ramai orang, dan mungkin ia baik  jika kita mahu mencari peluang jaringan maklumat. Dalam konteks perniagaan, ia adalah peluang mencari pasaran baru selain mengukuhkan pasaran sedia ada.

Dalam kes pemindahan teknologi, peribahasa ini diguna pakai dalam kes kerajaan menghantar pelajar tajaan ke negara lain untuk hal ini.Hal ini diharap supaya ilmu yang ditimba dibawa balik untuk kegunaan setempat sebagai perkongsian ilmu dan kepakaran. Hal yang sama bagi sektor korporat yang menghantar pekerjanya mendapat latihan di luar atau lawatan sambil belajar.

Dalam berkongsi cerita pengembaraan, kadang kadang ada yang mengeluh, “ susah lah nak makan . di sana  tak ada …..”, “tak nak lah pergi jauh jauh, nanti susah tak ada orang nak tolong..”

Sebenarnya, kerana cara pemakanan yang berbeza membantu kita berdikari dan kreatif untuk kelangsungan hidup. Ramai yang saya kenal, asalnya tidak pandai memasak tetapi disebabkan merantau dal bermasalah dalam hal ini, mereka kembali dengan keadaan mahir memasak. Begitu juga dengan risiko susah. Susah apa sebenarnya? Susah sebab tidak ada orang tua? Sekalipun kita kekal di kampung halaman, ibubapa kita satu hari nanti akan ‘pergi’ juga. Terima lah hakikat ini.  Risiko susah boleh membantu kita buat persediaan awal, contohnya risiko penyakit berjangkit buat kita berjaga-jaga seperti mengambil vaksin berkaitan dan menyediakan ubat yang perlu. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Practice make perfect.

A school student makes a practice exercise to prepare for the exam while a magician makes a continuous exercise to enhance his skill. The practice is a lifelong learning method to improve our memory, understanding and upgrade our skills.
The continuous practice make perfect for almost all our job. As for me, if we are doing the same thing for ten years, our skill perhaps from zero, should be increase. The increments might be not too much but at least, we can see it. Otherwise, we might ask ourselves, what we’re doing actually at the given time. In most cases, we’re not aware about the changes in our quality of job, but the people surround us does.
That is same when we want to search for the consultant in any field, we will look at the experience, how long the consultant practicing his knowledge in that field. In fact, we will complaint if he is not good in it when he claimed that has an experience for a long time.
And of course, in a journey to gain a perfect, highly skill in a field is not as easy as said. It can’t be done just by a practice but several practices. Within the journey, we might meet the failure, before we meet the answer why we fail and how to entertain the failure. After that, then only we meet the right one that makes us perfect. Even sometimes, the first correct way we meet doesn’t mean that it is the accurate. In many cases, there is several correct ways to do it but a few is the accurate way.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Tengah tengah tertekan dengan kerja, aku kemas meja dan capai satu majalah. Satu artikel menarik aku baca; supermum perlu jaga diri. Huh? Dari satu sisi, kita nampak supermum ni mesti hebat habislah. Semua kerja dibuat sendiri, lagi lagi kalau yang bekerja. Bagi anak sedikit, mungkin boleh dikawal. Tapi, kena yang anak ramai atau anak yang lasak, alamak.!!

Sindrom supermum mungkin sudah jadi trend sekarang, bila para ibu bukan lagi surisumah sepenuh masa. Keperluan ekonomi yang mendesak, buat perempuan sama naik dengan lelaki untuk bekerja. Perempuan pula, rasanya semua orang faham kalau yang cerewet tu bagaimana lagaknya. Serba serbi mahu sempurna. Dalam kes supermum ni, kerjaya mahu dicapai, keluarga pun mahu dijaga baik.

Menjadi supermum tidak lah salah bagi aku, sebab semua orang mahu jadi super. Kita sentiasa mahukan yang terbaik tapi, janganlah sampai membebankan diri.  Bagi aku, kalau supermum tak terfikir hal diri sendiri, agak bahaya. Sebabnya kalau ditakdirkan dia tak ada atau, mungkin sakit, tak ada orang nak ambil alih. Melainkan ada  orang sekeliling sanggup menjadi pengganti sementara.

Sebahagian dari artikel itu, aku bawa ke sini;
a)      Sayangi diri sendiri. Logiknya orang yang tak sayangkan diri sendiri memang tak mungkin sayangkan orang lain. Mungkin superwoman atau supermun lebih sayangkan kareer atau anak lebih dari dirinya tapi dia masih perlu sayangkan diri sendiri.
b)      Dapatkan untuk diri dahulu. Kalau orang yang pernah naik kapal terbang, anda dinasihatkan dapatkan oksigen untuk anda dahulu sebelum diberi kepada anak atau orang di sebelah. Kerana hanya orang ang selamat sahaja dapat menyelamatkan orang lain. Sama juga anda, setelah keperluan anda cukup, anda mampu memenuhi keperluan keluarga.

aku suka gambar ni, kucing pun dodoikan anak :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

seorang saja?

“hey.Bersendirian? Tak takut ke?”

Satu soalan yang sejak dulu aku tak suka. Sudah Nampak aku sendirian, mahu bertanya lagi. Lagipun dalam erti kata yang sebear, aku tidaklah bersendirian. Aku masih dikelilingi orangramai cuma, aku tidak berurusan dengan mereka.

Satu hal juga, tidak mungkin aku mahu berkepit dengan kawan kawan 24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu. Ada waktu, kita mahu bergerak sendiri. Malah dalam kes aku, kerap kali aku tak dapat menunggu kawan sebab urusan aku berlainan dengan urusan orang lain. Nak ada orang temankan, dia tak ada kerja ke? Aku pula, bukan jenis yang suka menunggu kawan dankerap aku pula penat melayan kerenah kawan yang ikut aku. Sometimes, better not.

Dalam hidup seharian pula, kerap kita jumpa orang di sana sini. Perlu juga waktu bersendirian untuk tenangkan fikiran dan hati. Tidaklah sampai bertapa, tapi, sekurang-kurangnya tidak diganggu orang banyak.


Are you afraid to be alone?
“Hey, Naziha. Are you alone? Where are your friends? Are you alright, become lone ranger?”

This is one of the questions that I hate most. You already seen that I am alone, you still asking me that. Is it important my friends following me all the time, 2/7? And of course I am ok to be alone when I am alone. If really I am not alone, my friends will be with me, if I am afraid to be alone, I will call my friend to be with me.

Almost every time, we meet people during works and leisure. Sometimes, I need time alone (“me time”). A time; to relax, to refresh, to think and perhaps to find solution for my task.  Sure, I am independent makes me feel okay when nobody accommodate me. Alhamdulillah, all the time when I am alone, none of my friends or family said that they’re worry or dissatisfaction due to my condition. Because they know, I can manage my life smoothly without their supervision.

Alone, I am not really be alone all the time. I am in the middle of others. The different is only I am not have a work with them. Furthermore, I have no real reason to afraid for. Perhaps I am afraid if nobody around me.

Furthermore, sometimes it is easier to come around alone. The main reason is, I hate to waiting friends who wish to follow. Another thing is, not all of us have the same place or same job to do. Rather than waiting for someone to follow me, better I do it now even it's alone.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

bukan sekadar ilmu

Bukan sekadar ilmu
Proses kehidupan manusia, melalui proses belajar; sejak dalam kandungan ibu kita sebenarnya. Ketika kita belajar, bukan hanya ilmu itu kita dapat. Ilmu itu yang akan mempengaruhi tingkah laku kita.

Ambil motivasi dari bayi, bila ia belajar berjalan. Dari merangkak, bertatih sehingga berlari. Dalam proses ini, banyak kali jatuh dan bangun kembali tapi baginya, tidak boleh putus asa. Tetapi, apabila dewasa kita lupa naikkan semangat belajar etika bayi untuk tidak patah semangat. Sekali jatuh, jarang benar kita mahu bangun kembali.

Bagi saya, kita bertindakmengikut ilmu dan maklumat yang kita dapat. Contonhya jika kita tahu satu satu tempat itu bahaya, kita cuba elakkan tempat itu. Juga dalam pekerjaan kita, bila kita terpaksa lakukan sesuatu diluar kepakaran kita, semangat itu kurang.

Saya terperasan, orang yang berpengetahuan lebih, kadang kadang cerewet dalam kerja. Seperti kawan saya pernah cakap; “ bila kita tahu sikit, kita buat sikit. Tapi sekarang kita tau banya, banyak salah kita nampak.” Mungkin betul…


Jangan berhenti untuk belajar benda baru. Kita akan tua jika tidak belajar. Belajar adalah satu proses bertesudan untuk hidup.

It is not just the knowledge

It is not just the knowledge
One of the human behavior or habit is keep learning, since we’re in our mum’s pregnancies actually. While we learn, it is not just the knowledge or skill, but how we will behave.
Take a motivation from a baby, when it starts to learn to walk. From crawl, it takes a move try to stand and moving. Within the process of learning, it may, and normally fall down till its feet become good to balance the body. But, when we grow up we forget this motivation to learn. Once we fall, we give up and don’t want to have another try.
My view, we will act based on our skill and information we gain. As example, we know that the place is danger, our react is, try not to be there.  Also, in our job, when we did not master the skill, the feeling is different compare to when we do the job that we have skill. The knowledge will influence our behavior.
Some people I meet, I realize that when we learn as high we can, make a different to our attitude, compare to when we were at the lower stage. As my friend said before, a higher learning person tends to be fussy because we know more. I feel that is right when I meet more people.
Don’t stop to learn just because we are old. We become old because we stop to learn. Learning is a continuous process of living.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

"...why me???..."

“Oh, my god. Why these kinds of fate come to me? Why me?”
Perhaps this quote came from us, when we face problems or bad news. Whatever it is, we can’t run away. But, how will we face it?
My dear,
Before solving any problem or to repair any situation, we need to accept it.
“But, how?”
We need to accept it, perhaps it will take a long time.
 Remember, my dear, God knows that we are strong enough for the fate. That’s why He gave it to us. Takes a moment to calm down, so you can get know the problems better. We need to know;
 What is happening, in facts.
The participant?
When, and how it start?
Why does it happen?

All these question, we know the answers. We know since the beginning, but normally we didn’t aware because at the early stage, it looks ok. It looks that everything is normal till at one time, it become out of our control.

“Then, what can I do?”

My dear, after we know the real situation, we will know what went wrong one-by-one. Why not you take a paper and list down all that?  Don’t hide the truth, it will not help.

If the problem is regarding people’s heart, start to ask their forgiveness. From our side, forgive them. Anger and revenge doesn’t make anything, it makes the problem worse.

If the problem is about our career, change what we can change. Perhaps we can take a class to upgrade our knowledge and skill. Unemployed people might need to update the CV and skills. Keep on moving is the key.

Come back to our religion. We feel uneasy when we have less security. Our religion is final answer for our heart’s security. Fix some time to the class, as example. Most of the religious centers nowadays have their community center, join it, perhaps as volunteered.

Monday, August 22, 2011

What is in the appreciation?

What is in the appreciation?
Before, there’s a kid love to write but he feels shy, if his friends laugh his writing. He comes from a poor family, work only as general worker which labeling bottles. His life was upside down, but he still writing and post it to publishers, silently. Stories sent but all rejected until one day, a publisher called him; his story will be published but there is no honorarium for it. The publisher honored his story. This kid, feel happy until tears turn down from his eyes on the way home. This is the beginning for him to become an author, and all over the world know him; Charles Dickens. Because of one appreciation, changed his world.
Another story, a girl did her research alone with what she can do. After a week, she noticed that her job is being copied by her friend where her friend told the teacher that is his job! The girl feels pressure not jus her hard work being copied but, her friend gets the attention easily but for her, others see her as copycat.

These two stories are true. The first is about a popular author and the second, does happen to me during my high school. The feeling to be appreciated and disappointed because no one feels good to our job is nature in our life.The feeling, being appreciated in our heart may change our mind of something. For someone that always feels down, when there are people around us appreciate what we’re doing, we feel it, how valuable our job is.
What is in appreciation? Does it can be motivation for upgrade our job, or just to feel how great we are? Sure, being appreciated make us feel better but it doesn’t mean that we are the great.
 Psychologically, everyone loves it; to be appreciated. But, we still can be categorizing into two categories; appreciation seeking personality and low profile personality. Which category we are, the most important for me, is to appreciate ourselves. For me, it is not really to show to others how many achievements we gain but at least to motivate us to become better. Where there is no one want to respect us, at least we can respect ourselves; we own the value.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

waiting for meeting

I hate the situation when I am waiting for someone, then she comes with mess. Normally it is not just being late, but with other problems; talking to someone else online and very slow to move. Hey, you made an appointment with me just to call your other friend or to show me your slow moves? Always I have a lot of things to do, I still keep a promise to meet friends but when they give this shit to me, I feel upset. Even sometimes people call me when I have appointment with others but I manage to inform to call back later because I have promise to others.

When we made an appointment, being late is already a mistake. You add up with some other problems shows that actually you have no respect to others.

Even it is a simple situation but the impact is big. The behavior that never respects your friends will make them feel uneasy and, it can make them loss their thrust for you.
To respect others’ time is actually not only when you have a formal business with them, but in your whole life. It makes your life and feeling better.

To the person who did this messy thing, as I informed, just imagine if you were in my place. I wish that you will be happy if your friends doing this when they want to meet you.

Monday, July 18, 2011

about being punctual

“We need to be start right now”
“Wait for me, 10 minutes I’ll be there“
Always when we wanted to have the meeting or teamwork, there is somebody asking time to arrive delay from the time should be. Questions that will come to our mind with this kind of person are, are they really can not come right on time or they love to waste the time?
The very common problem to cooperate in teamwork is time punctuality to start on time. Once when I was a student in a higher institution, an organization wrote on the banner the earlier time that it should be for their event. The reason they told me is to ensure the hall is full right on time. But, the participants are still come late. As can be expected, the event start late.

Why we need to be punctual?
You show respect for the Person B in your life.
You show that you respect yourself enough to keep your word.
You prove that you can be trusted.
You are appreciated for being on time.
You are regarded as a reliable person.
You are seen as a professional.
You are taken seriously and on your word.
You build a strong reputation for your character.
You open doors to opportunities without noticing it for all the above reasons.
You eliminate stress from your life by removing guilt and anxiety for being late.
You do the right thing.

Impact of being not punctual?
  • If worker, it will be in your disciplinary record.
  • For those who doing freelance job, don’t regret if you loose most of your income.
  • For a leader, if this is your habit don’t get angry if your follower do the same thing or if they have no respect to you.

What is needed if we can’t attend on time?
  • You should have a good reason for being absent or late.
  • If it is a formal agenda/meeting, perhaps you need to proceed with a letter.
  • When you already know earlier that you can’t attend, inform as early as possible.

What if you afraid you will forgot the time or venue?
  • Alarm clock may help you to be alert with the time
  • Use a diary or planner to help you
  • Note to the calendar on your table or board
  • Make a note in your cell phone or PDA

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

probation period; what we need to know

 First 3 to 6 month working period for a worker is a probation time to endorse our placement as a permanent worker. There’s many thing that will be thorough by the employer and for us as the employee need to take care of them;
1.       Work performance
Resume and appearance while interview is the first impression but the work performance is the key that employer need.
2.       Attitude
It is better to have a lower level employee with good manners compared to a skillful employee with bad manners. The attitude when we’re working is Important not only in the probation period but all the time when you are still hired.
3.       Fail as team player
In any organization, we work as in a team. All of us have different responsibility but we have the same goal; to achieve success. If we fail to work as a team player, the goal can’t be achieved and the result in this case, your own goal also ( to get a position as worker) can’t be achieved.
4.       Culture of the society
Every organization have its own culture. To be accepted, we need to absorb to the culture and the important thing as new member, don’t try to change the culture or bring any new culture into it.
The probation time, some people see it as an opportunity to the employer to select the employee they wanted to, but it is also good for employee.
Advantages of probation period for the employee are:
  • It’s the time for you to absorb the environment in the workplace.
    • If the environment is not suit for you, you may leave the organization easier. When you are already a permanent worker, wanted to leave because of this reason will make harm for you.
  • It’s one of the options to impress your employer after the interviewing period.
    • If you show more than he expect, you may ask for higher salary or position.
  • Time for you to standby with the contract.
    • When you are accepted to the organization, there will be a contract to become a permanent worker. For that contract, you need to be well prepared especially for uniform or working in shift.  The probation period will give you time for it.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Do we need to dress up?

It sounds like more to woman, but it is sure that are we really need to dress up? Being beauty is synonym to women. Every time they went out, they’ll be dress up as they can for shop, meeting friends or attending functions. Even just to hang out with friends, some of the people will ask to themselves of housemate, “Am I okay with this cloth?” or “Am I beautiful like this?” There’s some general reason that women will give if we ask about this:

·         For self respect when we shown up among people.
·         To attract others.
·         Nature of woman, love to be beauty.

Three of this is correct, but I just want to highlight the second reason; to attract others. The first reason comes first, and then it will come with this second reason. But, who you want to attract?

For working purpose, it might be our boss. In some sector such as in salon or beauty center, to increase up the salary, to dress up is one of the requirement. In other sector, too fashionable usually not allowed.

To dress up when hanging out, there’s various answers we will have, who we want to attract? Some of the women will feel that it is wrong to wear the cloth that she wears last week. She feel ashamed, if others notify that it is same as before.  Some of them, also, dress up aiming to attract the guy that they fall to. But, most of the women dress up just because they don’t want others saying something bad about their attire.

Based on the research in London, actually women dress up well to attract other woman and heard a good respond from them. It is not really to attract man! When read this news, as others, I am surprised to know that. At the other side, it might be yes. That is because, woman knows woman better.

Personally, I’m not really care about to dress up because I’m not really care about what others will say, regarding to my attire. I am really concern about it only when I have presentation, or when I have to deal in my business. If it is just to hang out, or for shop, its not.
 In some views, when we share this view among married friends especially, they feel uneasy with the situation. The wives, normally, dress up whenever they want to go out with reason feel shameful to people outside if they’re not doing it. But when they’re at home, they will not dress up just because nobody looks at them. My view, our spouse will look at us at home. Sure we don’t want our spouse compare us with other woman outside, that we also look at them; that is of course well dressed.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Don’t be sad, tear off your tears

When you feel down, what is the first thing you will do or think? To feel sad and upset will come to us during the moment. It is normal in our life, everybody will face it but not at the same time.
Every time the feeling come, let it go, don’t keep it in your heart. Even if you fell want to cry, make it. When you feel ashamed to cry in front of others, have the personal time to have it. All the tears, actually can release your pressure. But, please let the sadness gone by with the tears . do not keep it, because the longer time you keep the sadness, the longer time you’re stressed.
After having this down time, its better to find someone to talk with.sure you have someone  that you believe; that can be shoulders to lean on, to be ears to listen to you.
Then, don’t forget to wake up. Wake up from the problem. Its faster, its better. Its no need to forger the upset feeling, use it as a lesson for the time to come.

Hush now don't you cry 
There will be a better day 
I promise you 
We can work it out
But only if you let me know 
What's on your mind 

Baby, you thought it was forever 
Through any kind of weather 

But some day you will find what you're searching for 

Try again 
Never stop believing 
Try again 
Don't give up on your love 
Stumble and fall 
Is the heart of it all 
When you fall down (down) 
Just try again 

Smile now, let it go 
Hey, you will never be alone 
I promise you 
If you can't fight the feeling (Oh yeah) 
Surrender in your heart 

Remember love will set you free 
Baby, you thought it was forever
You would always be together
But someday you will find what you're searching for 

Try again
Never stop believing
Try again
Don't give up on your love
Stumble and fall
Is the heart of it all
When you fall down (down)
Just try again

Baby, when a heart is crying 
Its sometimes feels like dying 
The tear drops fall like rain

Baby, you thought it was forever 
You would always be together 
But someday you will find what you're searching for

Try again (ooh yeah)
Never stop believing (oh no)
Try again
Don't give up on your love
Dont' give up on your love baby)

Try again
just try again)
Never stop believing
Try again
Don't give up on your love 

Stumble and fall
Is the heart of it all

When you fall down 
Just try again 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Part term love at the workplace

Part term lover or a scandal becomes a trend nowadays in a workplace. That words itself become an issue. For a single people, it maybe good to find the soul mate but for married person it invites danger in the relationship. This relationship is actually, nowhere especially for a married woman. As ustaz Khairuddin At-Takiri said, “Why we need a part tem lover when we already have a valid husband/wife? Don’t you think what will happen in the end of the relationship?” In this case, sometimes we forget that in the end, there will be a heart will be broken. (Nur Magazine, 2009)
This relation actually more to as a replacement or spare part and is a danger relation. Some of people doing it to cover the disability that their valid spouse have. This attitude always attack person that have perhaps bitter feeling to the spouse. 
If to discuss about the reason, we can give a lot of reason but the impact is bad. The scandal can break the marriage and it creates a bitter feeling in our heart.
For woman, please avoid this kind of relation. We know the feeling;  to be understood, to be loved and to have friend that listen to us. But, when the problem comes the person that will be pointed is us, a female. Either you’re single woman with married man, or vice versa, the impact is almost same. Avoid it is a better way even others said that we’re out of trend.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bully at workplace

Bully cases often we relate with students and schooldays, but somehow take place in workplace. It does not only when the victim is being hit, but often in a silent way. The silent way that are popular are giving the unnecessary, ridiculous work to victim; teasing victim through a bad name and many more.

Bully is a social disease, it occurs everywhere. The term bully has no specific definition, but it can be understand as one repetition ridiculous behavior being done to the victim that affect emotion, health and safety of the victim.

Gender, personality and ethnic.

Bully cases can be happen caused by gender, personality and ethnic. This occurs especially when the victim is the only one different among the colleague. There’s not only the women become victim, there also cases where victim is man.

Signs you’re being bullied

  1. Your colleagues or head always seeking your fault, or comparing you with other colleague.
  2. Your head purposely appoint a meeting at the time he knows you cannot attend.
  3. Your head or colleagues sabotage you with informing you last minute, or he just left it without informing you.
  4. When your head under pressure, you are the place he release his stress by pointing your entire fault.
  5. When you finish up a task, the head appreciate other person.
  6. You’re given a task that is not for you when the people that suppose to handle it can be relax.
  7. When nobody want to listen to your voice, order or suggestion even you’re at higher position.
  8. Your motivation for work reduced.

How to avoid bully?

1.      Main point, don’t react. When we react, the particular person feel that he already can catch your mood. Soon, he’ll stop it.
2.      Make your character stronger; show them that you’re not the easy person for them to bully.
3.      Make it clear your opinion when you want to say something. Don’t keep it silent.
4.      When the thing come worse, lodge a report to the top management, police or labor department.

 Utusan Malaysia, 16.2.2010
Eizan Ariffin, Nur magazine, Jan 2010

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How to love our job

We get a job after graduates, or during our schooldays, we have something to do. But, not every single job we love to do.

 There are two options we have; loved to do it, or pass it to others (resign). The second option is not the point this time, but how to love our job.

  1. focus on positive thing
Sure, we have reasons why we hate the job but impossible there’s nothing special for doing it. Try to figure out the positive things about the task.

  1. take it as experience
If not now, when you can gain the experience? Take this as advantage to improve, find out our ability and strength.

  1. chances to improve
The experience will show us where is our weaknesses and strength. These are changes for us to make ourselves better. If you’re a student, it worth when you start working later. For worker, take it before thinking of resign.

  1. aim a target
Aim a logic target to satisfy yourself. If at this time you can only make a letter, try to aim to make paperwork or a report.

  1. take it easy
Being scolded by a head make us feel upset. Don’t take it so serious. Calm down, find the way to avoid the mistake that the head scolded you or, at least reduce it.

  1. change the routine
Everyday do the same thing will invite bored in a heart. Change it; perhaps your cloth or table arrangement. The major things maybe we can’t do much but these simple things help.

  1. change the position
If, you think you can do more, inform the leader. We don’t know if we’re not trying it.

  1. ask for feedback
Don’t feel satisfied enough or feel not good of your job. Ask feedback from colleague; how is the performance, where you need to repair etc..

Thursday, March 17, 2011



Look at this scenario;
When a person is given a task or asked for a help, “OK, I’ll do it but with conditions…”

The attitude, known as opportunism always happen in our daily life. According to Wikipedia, opportunism is the conscious policy and practice of taking selfish advantage of circumstances, with little regard for principles. The term can be applied to individuals, groups, organizations, styles, behaviours, and trends.

Opportunism occurs in many ways;

  • When a person sees the profit of something for himself
  • When a person need to react to gain something
  • When a person refuse to take any risk of the job
  • When the person refuse to responsible

Opportunist, often looks like self centred but, in some case we need to become opportunist. It is impossible a worker do the job for free, unless he’ll get the salary and given a time to rest.

Opportunist development has 5 main influences;
§         Controls: some organizations may have a code of behaviour or a set of rules which makes opportunist behaviour extremely difficult to operate, because there are clear and immediate penalties for opportunist behaviour. Other organizations may be so loosely structured and so lacking in controls and sanctions regulating behaviour, that opportunist behaviour is almost unavoidable. Thus, the nature of an organization itself may promote or inhibit opportunist behaviour; it depends greatly on the controls and checks it can exercize over its members, and on what sort of people it will attract.
§         Rationale: much depends on whether the organization really has a principled basis for its activities to start out with (a clearly defined, agreed understanding about the relationship between goals and the means to achieve them). Lacking such a principled foundation, the organization may find itself constantly trying to compensate for both opportunist errors and factional errors.
§         Norms: behaviour which in some organizations is regarded as "opportunist", may be regarded as perfectly acceptable in others, or tolerated as "normal". A "commercial attitude" might be to make as much money as one can, and this may be accepted as normal by the commercial people concerned, although others would regard it as "opportunist". Or, in a game, some "opportunist moves" may be permitted, while others are not.
§         Size: in general, the larger an organization is in terms of members, the more scope its members have to engage in opportunist behaviour, since the larger it is, the less individual members are practically able to check or control the behaviour of many other members, and the more possibility there is that groups of members will develop self-serving interests which deviate from the stated goals of the organization. However, this is not always the case, a lot depends on how people are organized and what morality they have.
§         Purpose: the scope for opportunism depends very much on the nature and goals of the organization itself, and on the strength and integrity of its leadership. If for example the organization sets itself the task to exploit risks and opportunities to advantage, then no matter what its size is, it will tend to facilitate opportunist behaviour. If, on the other hand, the aim of the organization is to carefully conserve a state of affairs or belief system, this is much less likely to attract opportunists. Even in a very conservative organization, opportunism may also occur, insofar as it still has to find ways to cope with risks, changes and opportunities.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Qualiti or 'kuali' (frying pan)

While assigning a task, always at the first time the instruction or procedure is given. Even sometimes it is simple standard workflow. But still, some of the person does not follow it. It become worse when the reason given is, “I don’t know how to do.”

If, we do not know how to do, it is a need to refer the person in charge or the expert. Whenever we catch the person who runs away from the job and simply giving this reason, we can say the quality of attitude is low. That is a real situation every time I precede my job in event management. The simple job to do the proposal and formal letter the students give that kind of answer.

Quality of attitude like this make the manager thinks this is not a high quality person but “kuali” (frying pan).

As manager in charge, or a boss to employ a staff as our team member, we find the person with a certain criteria as our benchmark. The candidate must meet the quality that we need. The highest education is not the only criteria the person need to have, it must come with the good interpersonal skill and the attitude when having problems or learn new thing.

Nowadays, when to have a job, there are too many candidates the employers have and we only wanted the best. In the tough competition, it is important for the candidates to know what exactly the quality that your future employer wants. Otherwise, it’s gone.

Monday, January 24, 2011

When digital device turn to personal assistant.

Last Saturday I lost my cell phone, make me lost half of my life. I’m not going to talk about my feeling but the situation that become common nowadays.

Before the cell phone become important thing, we will update our meeting and scheduling in the diary or notebook. The contact number and reminder also will be there.
These days, all that job already taken by the digital device where we make a reminder through our phone or maybe Personal Digital Assistant (PDA).

The technology, for some person maybe just to show and compare with others, while some other people use it as important management tool to fulfill our task. This is very helpful when we need something multi purpose and faster query.

Both of the method and technology have pro and contras, which is replace to each other.
As for me, when my phone lost, the first thing in my mind is my schedule, then the contact number that I don’t have backup in term of hard copy.

Using diary, of course it has limitation, where we will not bring it everywhere, but safer just in case.

Of course, I choose digital devices as first option as others do during these days but, when the unexpected incident happen, I feels that its better to have both option.


Always we’re asked how to choose the best when we have many option? The choise made by logic sometimes against the feel. Sometimes, the choise using only logic is not the best.

Intuition actually play a role in our life especially when to choose among the best. However, always we choose logic because it ‘looks like’ to have a very good reason.Everyone have this feeling but, we are not using it frequently. Intuition that comes to us when we’re in good condition and relax never lies to us.

A friend comes to me,between 2 option, she don’t know which is the best.For muslim, of course a Istikharah prayer will be a routine this time but, how the answer will come? Don’t wait for the dream this time.Dream will always come, without we ask for it. It maybe just a distruption. Use thefelling this time.The prayer is important,to get the best conditon to see through the option, and made the best decision. The decision, maybe from dream or spontaneus idea.

How to get the feel?

1- Be calm
Takes time to calm down.When we’re thinking the problem, we can’t see the the solution, only the problem.
2- Open mind.
Took aside our ego. Sometimes we fight between logic and instinct. Tr to minimun the word “no way” , “impossible” etc.
3- Be creative.
There’s many way to be creative such as writing and sketching.Let it be from heart.At one time,we’ll find the point. I believe when we face more problem, more creative we become.
4. Ask our heart
When we ask ourself,it will be clearer.The easy question such as ‘what’s next?’ is enough to make us thinking the answer.
5. Journal
Journal or diary become a recors what’s happen in our life. All these will help us to forecast what will hapen next.

Kerap dituju soalan bagaimana jika di antara sekian banyak pilihan,mana satu yang terbaik? Pertimbangan dibuat mengikut logik akal kadang kala bercanggah dengan hati. Ada waktu, pilihan mengikut logik akal itu bukanlah yang terbaik.

Gerak hati (intuition, bahasa Inggeris) sebenarnya memainkan peranan dalam hidup kita, contohnya ketika memilih sesuatu. Namun, selalu juga kita mengikut logik akal kerana dilihat lebih mempunyai alasan yang kukuh.
Kita diberi kelebihan ini Cuma, jarang benar kita gunakan. Perasaan yang terlintas di fikiran tidak akan menipu kita, ketika kita berada dalam keadaan tenang.

Selalu saya mendengar teman teman mengeluh, antara 2 pilihan; tidak pasti yang mana pilihan tepat. Bagi Muslim, ya solat Istikharah menjadi rutin kala ini. Tetapi, jawapan datang pada waktu yang bagaimana? Jangan ditunggu mimpi pada waktu ini. Mimpi akan hadir sentiasa, tanpa perlu kita pohon pada yang Sang Pencipta. Ia boleh jadi mainan tidur. Guna intuition pada masa masa ini. Berdoa itu penting, untuk mendapat ketenangan supaya dapat ilham dan lintasan di hati yang terbaik. Ilham itulah, yang mungkin datang dalam mimpi atau terfikir secara spontan.

Selalu juga kita terfikir,bagaimana seorang ibu boleh mengetahui apa yang anakya sedang fikirkan? Ibu sememangnya mempunyai gerak hati yang kuat.

Bagaimana cara untuk mendapat gerak hati, penentu pilihan kita? Panduan ini mungkin berguna;
1. Tenang
Ambil masa untuk bertenang. Ketika kepala berserabut dengan masalah, kita tidak nampak jalan, cuma nampak masalah.
2. Buka minda
Ketepikan ego buat sementara. Ada waktu kita mahu melawan gerak hati dengan ego. Minimumkan rasa ‘takkan lah’ , ‘tak mungkinlah’ , ‘janganlah...’ .
3. Kreatif
Banyak cara untuk menjadi kreatif, seperti menulis dan melakar. Biarkan ia dari hati. Sampai satu masa,kita akan temui titik temu semua ini. Saya percaya, ketika banyak masalah melanda, kita menjadi lebih kreatif kerana hendak menyelesaikan masalah itu secepat mungkin.
4. Soal diri
Ketika kita soal diri sendiri, akan lebih jelas kita lihat sesuatu yang terjadi. Soalan mudah seperti ‘apa seterusnya?’ sudah cukup buat hati kita berdetak, memikirkan jawapan.
5. Jurnal
Jurnal atau diari menjadi rekod apa yang telah terjadi selama ini dalam hidup kita. Semua ini membantu kita meramal apa yang bakal terjadi.

Sunday, January 9, 2011



Perasaan kecewa memang perit untuk ditanggung terutamanya apabila kita benar benar mengharapkan sesuatu untuk terjadi.
Rasa kecewa tidak dapat dielak, kita akan melaluinya sepanjang hidup. Bezanya, bagaimana kita melaluinya dan bagaimana kita kawal kekecewaan itu.

Bagaimana mengawal rasa kecewa?
a)      Elakkan menyendiri di tempat sunyi. Betul, kita mahu masa sendiri,tetapi bersendiri di tempat yang orang lalu lalang(contohnya di taman) lebih baik berbanding bersendiri di tempat sunyi (seperti dalam bilik). Ini kerana emosi yang tidak stabil membuatkan kita keliru dan mengambil langkah yang salah untuk selesaikannya
b)      Jangan mengungkit. Kita selalu mendengar orang kecewa mengungkit “kalaulah aku tahu..”, “kalaulah begini...”, “kalaulah begitu...”. Ungkit sebegini tidak membantu malah menambah kekecewaan. Jadi, elakkan.
c)      Jadikan pengalaman ini sebagai pengajaran, bahawa kita tidak mahu hal ini berlaku lagi pada masa depan. Belajar dari kekecewaan ini, baiki diri.
d)      Bagi Muslim, ingatlah bahawa Allah tidak akan menguji kita jika kita tidak mampu.Kita insan terpilih, yang Dia tahu kita mampu harungi semua masalah ini.
e)       Bangkitkan semangat secepat mungkin. Bersedih tidak salah tetapi melayan kesedihan dan kekecewaan terlalu lama langsung tidak membantu. Cari kekuatan dalam diri dan tonjolkannya.