It is not just the knowledge
One of the human behavior or habit is keep learning, since
we’re in our mum’s pregnancies actually. While we learn, it is not just the
knowledge or skill, but how we will behave.
Take a motivation from a baby, when it starts to learn to
walk. From crawl, it takes a move try to stand and moving. Within the process
of learning, it may, and normally fall down till its feet become good to
balance the body. But, when we grow up we forget this motivation to learn. Once
we fall, we give up and don’t want to have another try.
My view, we will act based on our skill and information we
gain. As example, we know that the place is danger, our react is, try not to be
there. Also, in our job, when we did not
master the skill, the feeling is different compare to when we do the job that
we have skill. The knowledge will influence our behavior.
Some people I meet, I realize that when we learn as high we
can, make a different to our attitude, compare to when we were at the lower
stage. As my friend said before, a higher learning person tends to be fussy
because we know more. I feel that is right when I meet more people.
Don’t stop to learn just because we are old. We become old
because we stop to learn. Learning is a continuous process of living.
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